Elderly Care

Chicares Assisted Living is an assisted living facility that provides around the clock residential care to adults with disabilities or mental illness.

 Elderly Care, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health / 593 views

FONAG, Inc's goal is to assist its residents in achieving life goals and to support a comprehensive system of quality care and services designed to achieve their optimum level of health, well-being and dignity. FONAG also provides diabetic care, memory care, incontinence care, non-ambulatory care, in addition to other medical services and therapies. Recreational needs are also met through outings and planned activities, and transportation can be provided at an additional cost.

 Elderly Care, Housing/Shelter, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Transportation / 692 views

Community service center offering medical, therapy, behavioural, youth and community services.

 Crisis, Education, Elderly Care, HIV/AIDS, Housing/Shelter, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Recovery, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 649 views

Community service center offering medical, therapy, behavioural, youth and community services.

 Crisis, Education, Elderly Care, HIV/AIDS, Housing/Shelter, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Recovery, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 888 views

Community service center offering medical, therapy, behavioural, youth and community services.

 Crisis, Education, Elderly Care, HIV/AIDS, Housing/Shelter, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Recovery, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 941 views

Community service center offering medical, therapy, behavioural, youth and community services.

 Crisis, Education, Elderly Care, HIV/AIDS, Housing/Shelter, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Recovery, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 704 views

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