Group Forums
AllyU group forums are intended to be a safe place to share among your allies. Having a difficult day? Share what’s happening with you. An ally can offer encouragement, post a funny picture to lift your spirits, share their similar story that they have successfully navigated, or even just listen and be there for you. Maybe you are having an awesome day…share it! Got a question? Post it and you just may get the answer you need.
The 60+ group forums are a peer to peer opportunity to know that you are not alone. Sometimes you are the one that needs a friend and other times you can be the friend to someone in need. That’s what allies are all about
Resource Directory
It’s hard to focus on getting mentally healthy if you’re worried about getting the bills paid every month, putting food on the table, resolving legal issues…the list goes on. At AllyU, we help our members find the resources they need to bridge those gaps. Search our extensive directory for the resource you need.
AllyU’s Resource Directory is a place for you to find help with
- Support Groups
- Housing
- Food
- Legal aid
- Vet Services
- Etc.
Know of a trusted resource? Be an ally and post it. When we combine what we know with what our members know, the options multiply.
Live Community
Your AllyU membership opens the door to the AllyU Live Community, a safe, positive space designed to foster person-to-person connections with AllyU members who are geographically local to you. It can be difficult to build new personal connections as adults. Live Community at AllyU provides common ground from the outset, and a judgement-free avenue for reaching out. If you want to publicize an event in your area, create a face-to-face meetup opportunity, start a relationship, or you just need a little strength in numbers when you venture out of the house this weekend, Live Community may be exactly where you need to start.
Volunteer Opportunities
Nothing strengthens a community more than the people within it helping each other, and nothing strengthens a person more than realizing that he or she has something real to offer. Check out our resource directory, live community, or visit our AllyU volunteer page for available opportunities.
Each ally at AllyU has something of value to another—time, wisdom, experience, knowledge—and we will provide a variety of ways for you to share those strengths through volunteering.
Professional Services Directory: Coming Soon
When life’s challenges become too much, AllyU offers a counseling services directory to help you find a professional to guide you through. Sometimes, a supportive community just isn’t enough to get you were you need, but a professional counselor or social worker has evidence-based therapies, tools and resources that can help.
Self-help Library
Our library is an organized online platform offering a wealth of free information to educate you so that you can live the best possible healthy life with positive mental health. Choose from many different topics such as; anger, depression, self-esteem and values. There is videos, articles, worksheets, interactive learning and more.