Job Services

The House of the Good Shepherd opened one of the first domestic violence shelter/programs in Chicago in 1980. Since then, House of the Good Shepherd has helped more than 6,000 vulnerable women and children release themselves from the bondage and humiliation of family violence. The House of the Good Shepherd program resides within the Catholic Charities Housing Services area and focuses on domestic violence.

 Abuse, Crisis, Education, Food, Housing/Shelter, Job Services, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 934 views

The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program is funded by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs and is administered through Heartland Human Care Services to provide supportive services for low or very low-income veteran families residing in or transitioning to permanent housing. The services are designed to increase the housing stability of veterans and veteran families that are at-risk of or experiencing homelessness.

 Education, Housing/Shelter, Job Services, Legal Aid, Mentoring/Tutoring, Support Groups, Veteran Services / 852 views

The Supportive Permanent Housing Program is a community housing program affiliated with Heartland Alliance. It houses eighteen individuals who are homeless and who suffer from a serious mental illness who may have a co-occurring substance use disorder. Supportive services are designed to enhance activities of daily living and problem-solving skills, promote independence and dignity, improve satisfaction, and ensure success in community living.

 Crisis, Education, Housing/Shelter, Job Services, Mental Health, Recovery, Support Groups / 785 views

Transitional housing is affordable supportive housing designed to provide housing and appropriate support services to persons who are homeless or who are close to homelessness. The transition is to help them be more self sufficient to move towards independent living on their own. Transitional housing locations are oftentimes called Halfway Houses. The naming of the two (Halfway House OR Transitional House) is oftentimes interchangeable.

 Abuse, Clothing, Food, Housing/Shelter, Job Services, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Recovery, Support Groups / 791 views

The mission of Pee Dee Community Action Partnership is to develop and improve low-income communities and neighborhoods through economic and related development, with a primary function of developing projects and activities designed to enhance economic opportunities of the people we serve and to implement and advocate developmental and human services delivery programs for socially and economically disadvantaged elderly, children and families. Our program performance will be tracked with the use of the ROMA and other Federal and State mandated systems.

 Clothing, Crisis, Education, Elderly Care, Food, Housing/Shelter, Job Services, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Utilities, Women, Children, Child Care / 906 views

Our mission is to live out the legacy through community service such as: support drug awareness, personal hygiene, braiding and cutting hair, etiquette, workforce development, and teenage pregnancy by mentoring young mothers. In addition to providing support, the foundation uses these interactions to educate and promote healthy living in all aspects.

 Clothing, Crisis, Education, Food, Job Services, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Recovery, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 821 views

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