Medical, Health Care, Medication

Winfield Moody Health Center is a clinic operates under a sliding scale model. This health center covers services such as checkups, treatment, pregnancy care (where applicable), immunizations and child care (where applicable), prescription medicine and mental and substance abuse where applicable, among other medical services.

 Abuse, Crisis, Education, Food, HIV/AIDS, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Recovery, Support Groups / 853 views

Health care is delivered to our Veterans through engaged, collaborative teams called Patient Aligned Care Teams. These teams focus on whole-person care and life-long health and wellness. Veterans are the center of the care teamthat includes their family members, caregivers, health care professionals, primary care provider, nurses and an administrative clerk. When additional services are needed to meet their goals and needs, other care team members will be added.

 Elderly Care, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Veteran Services / 802 views

Whitney Youth Health's mission is to provide access to consistent quality healthcare without regard to income.

 HIV/AIDS, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Women, Children, Child Care / 618 views

The Wexford County Council on Aging (WCCOA) provides a wide array of services and programs to meet the needs in the community, including enhancing wellness and empowering seniors to be a vital part of the community. Some of WCCOA's services include homemaking, personal care, in-home respite care, adult day services, foot care, a Medicare/Medicaid assistance program and community health advocacy, and medication management.

 Elderly Care, Food, Legal Aid, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Transportation, Utilities / 867 views

Resources range from food from the pantry to financial aid or medications. The center supports the working poor in Lexington County.

 Education, Food, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mentoring/Tutoring, Utilities / 813 views

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