Community of Hope's mission is to improve health and end family homelessness to make Washington, DC more equitable.

 Housing/Shelter, Medical, Health Care, Medication / 773 views

​Connections for the Homeless partners with the community to provide comprehensive, compassionate, well-resourced, and effective programs in an exceptional workplace. It is a recognized leader on the causes of and solutions to homelessness in the northern suburbs.

 Clothing, Crisis, Food, Housing/Shelter, Support Groups, Utilities / 715 views

CJE Senior Life's mission is to promote position aging for older adults, their families and caregivers.

 Education, Elderly Care, Food, Housing/Shelter, LGBTQ+, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Transportation / 719 views

The Crisis Center for South Suburbia is a non-profit community organization that provides emergency shelter and other essential services for individuals and families victimized by domestic violence and addresses the societal issues that contribute to domestic violence.

 Abuse, Crisis, Housing/Shelter, Legal Aid / 887 views

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