
Money Saving Tips?

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    • #12058
      Saleana Y

        Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone has had success with any money saving tips or methods? I’m not currently saving but I would like to learn how to budget and use my money smarter. Any tips?

      • #12060
        Aimee Buchanan

          One thing that I saw was someone put different dollar amounts on different envelopes and each week they would put that dollar amount in the envelope (it could be $1, $5, $10, $20, etc). This helps to save money because it breaks up saving into smaller parts that are more manageable and can adjust to your needs. If you’re having a tight week with cash, you can fill the $1 envelope, and on the flip side, if you’re doing well, then you can fill the $20. Hope this helps!

        • #12065
          Linda Helmick

            I’ve had great success with some of the online apps.  They do, require you to connect banking information so make sure they are well reviewed and have ample membership.  I’ve used them for tracking my progress in savings, as well as, to help me save.  I’ve used Mint for years to track everything financial.  It gives you an honest view of expenditures.  Also I believe it either does integrate or will soon with TurboTax as both are owned by the same company.  I’ve used some that monitor purchases and shipping and they get you either cheaper deals or money back.  Others negotiate your cable, streaming, phone bills to make sure you get the best deal.  If anyone wants more specifics PM ME or leave specific area of interest on this post and I will list the names I’ve used.  Good luck!

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