Beginnings Care for Life Center provides free and confidential information, support, and materials for women, men and families in the Branch County, Michigan area. Services offered include pregnancy tests and ultrasound, baby-care materials, parenting & relationships education, and post-abortion support.
Education, Father's Rights, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 829 views
The Brookland Foundation is a community-based, non-profit organization established in 1994 to extend outreach efforts to the Greater Columbia community. Recognizing a spiritual mandate to improve the community, the members of the Brookland Baptist Church in West Columbia authorized an initial $100,000 endowment to establish the Foundation.
Education, Father's Rights, HIV/AIDS, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Support Groups / 899 views
The Children’s Center offers a continuum of more than 20 programs that are family-focused, strength-based, and recovery-oriented. The Center's mission is to help children and families shape their own futures by providing comprehensive services for children and youth (ages birth to 22 years) facing behavioral and emotional challenges, developmental disabilities, trauma, abuse of all kinds, and neglect; as well as those needing foster care and adoption services. The Center's range of services include outpatient therapy, home and school-based services, case management, psychological and psychiatric services, counseling for sexually-abused and traumatized children, services for those on the autism spectrum, and educational/enrichment programs.
Abuse, Crisis, Education, Father's Rights, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 866 views
The Community Action Agency of South Central Michigan is dedicated to promoting economic and social opportunities that help people achieve greater independence, dignity, and self-sufficiency. Programs offered include commodities/food distribution for seniors and low-income families, GED preparation, the Lead Safe Program that tests qualified homes to avoid exposing children in the home to lead, utility/eviction assistance, early head start programs, fatherhood/male involvement parenting classes, a Foster Grandparent Program, home-delivered and congregate meals, minor home repair services and weatherization for seniors' homes, and transportation services.
Education, Elderly Care, Father's Rights, Food, Legal Aid, Transportation, Utilities, Women, Children, Child Care / 955 views
Community Fatherhood is a parent education organization formed to meet the needs of fathers and strengthen their roles in the lives of their children. Community Fatherhood's programs include a nationally accredited Nurturing Fathers parenting classes, case management, legal motion assistance, men's support groups, a weekly men's breakfast, a mentorship program for young men, and a job readiness program.
Education, Father's Rights, Job Services, Legal Aid, Mentoring/Tutoring, Support Groups / 771 views
FREE ARTS NYC empowers underserved youth through art and mentoring programs to develop their creativity, confidence, and skills to succeed.
Abuse, Father's Rights / 951 views