Offers a variety of services to military and non-military families in need
Education, Father's Rights, Housing/Shelter, Job Services, Veteran Services, Women, Children, Child Care / 772 views
Options Pregnancy Center focuses on empowering women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy with knowledge to help them make the best decisions for themselves. Confidential, cost-free services offered include information and educational materials on abortion, adoption, STDs/STIs, and parenting, pregnancy testing, adoption agency referrals, maternity/infant supplies, medical referrals, and support groups for both men and women.
Education, Father's Rights, Legal Aid, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Support Groups, Women, Children, Child Care / 819 views
The Fathers' Rights Association of New York State, Inc. (F.R.A.N.Y.S.) is a charitable not-for-profit all volunteer educational organization that seeks, through equal parenting rights, to ensure that children maintain a continuing, nurturing relationship with both parents after divorce or separation.
Crisis, Education, Father's Rights, Women, Children, Child Care / 790 views
FREE ARTS NYC empowers underserved youth through art and mentoring programs to develop their creativity, confidence, and skills to succeed.
Abuse, Father's Rights / 951 views
The mission of Haymarket Center is to aid people with substance use disorders in their recovery by providing comprehensive behavioral health solutions.
Crisis, Education, Father's Rights, Medical, Health Care, Medication, Mental Health, Mentoring/Tutoring, Recovery, Support Groups / 619 views
The Community Action Agency of South Central Michigan is dedicated to promoting economic and social opportunities that help people achieve greater independence, dignity, and self-sufficiency. Programs offered include commodities/food distribution for seniors and low-income families, GED preparation, the Lead Safe Program that tests qualified homes to avoid exposing children in the home to lead, utility/eviction assistance, early head start programs, fatherhood/male involvement parenting classes, a Foster Grandparent Program, home-delivered and congregate meals, minor home repair services and weatherization for seniors' homes, and transportation services.
Education, Elderly Care, Father's Rights, Food, Legal Aid, Transportation, Utilities, Women, Children, Child Care / 954 views