Are you suffering from lost of taste or do you notice a difference in your sense perception? Me too.
I want to help you all who are dealing with this issue too. Have you heard of zinc? This is an essential minteral that is coorelated with your perception and sense of taste and it is the mineral that is rooted in taste disorders, research suggests. Although, the mechanism for how zinc has this impact is not known. It is proposed that COVID-19 is linked to levels of zinc within the human body. There has been identified zinc-deficient groups among those that catch or have had the virus.
Here is the article that coorelates zinc with COVID-19.
Now that research understands the impact that COVID has on zinc levels and how important zinc is for taste, what can we do to increase zinc? I did some further research and found the following. Most of the technqiues revolve around your diet. Zinc is most commonly absorbed through zinc-rich foods. However, it takes nearly three months for you to notice a change in your zinc levels, so consistency is important with the researched techniques.
There are foods that are most high in zinc. Meat, shellfish, legumes, nuts, dairy, eggs, vegetables and dark chocolate.
Zinc supplements. You can find these in a multivitamin or a pill.
What other research have you come across? Has anything helped you get your taste back?