Favorite poems

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    • #11690
      Jennifer Earles

        One of my favorite poems to this day is one that I found on tumblr years ago…
        <p class=”MsoNormal”>by little light</p>
        <p class=”MsoNormal”>15 JANUARY 2007</p>
        <p class=”MsoNormal”>the seam of skin and scales</p>
        <p class=”MsoNormal”>I am not a woman trapped in a man’s body. This body is no man’s; it is mine, it is me, and there is no man in that equation. And I am not trapped in it. There are a million and one ways out of this body, and I have clung to it, tooth and claw, despite an endless line of people and institutions who would rather I vacate the premises, and have sometimes been willing to make me bleed to convince me they’re right.</p>
        <p class=”MsoNormal”>This body is mine, and I claim it and its bruises, and it is not a man’s, and I am not trapped here. I have looked leaving my body in the eye and I have said, in the end, hell no. There is too much to do, too much to love, too many who need one more of us to say hell no and help them say the same. You might not like it. It might be a wrongness to you.</p>
        <p class=”MsoNormal”>I am done with traps. I am done with the philosophy of traps, and I am done with the feminism of who owns my body for what cause. It is time for something that tells you that I am here for blood–my blood, the blood of my loved ones, the blood of the people who have battered themselves against my life and found me still here.</p>
        What are some of your favorite poems? What do they mean to you as an LGBTQ person?


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